William singe hair
William singe hair

william singe hair

“Too cool to introduce us?” one of them says. “Guys, this is Y/N and it’s her birthday, so I’m taking her to dance.” Will says in a rush. Somewhere in the back, we make our way to a table crowded with guys. Impatient with my teasing, he grabs my hand and pulls me from the bar with him. “So give me a chance to celebrate with you.” he protests. “Thanks for the drink, but I think I should get back to my friends” I say. I can see him looking at me out of the side of his eye as he sips his but I pretend to be unfazed by it. The bartender slides our drinks across the bar. He looks so good, like when-can-I-get-you-back-to-my-place good. “The other half are drunk off their asses and unaware at what they’re missing.” I can’t help but smile at him. He smiles at me. “I’ll be straight up, I noticed you as soon as you walked in and so did half of everyone else here.” He reaches around me and hands the bartender his card, all without taking his eyes off my face. Except I’ve definitely seen that jawline somewhere. “But I don’t even know you” I say, looking up at him through my eyelashes. “If you don’t mind,” he says, “I’d like to buy your drink”. Six foot, dreads pulled back in a knot, and a devious smile on his face, an incredibly attractive guy is looking at me. “Make that two, will you?” a deep voice with an Australian accent says behind me. “Can I get a Mai Tai please?” I practically scream at the bartender after shoving through the throng of people in my way. “Who’s ready to break this thing in?” I say, raising an eyebrow. I whip out my new ID, flashing it at them in all its new glory and untapped potential. “Do you have absolutely everything?” Ari asks me, focused on keeping up with our schedule. “Thank you, thank you” I say, giving them a little twirl and a bow. You lookin’ thick as all hell”, and Gemma says, “Twenty-one is a great look for you.” I flick a curly lock of hair over my shoulder and turn to the side for effect.Ĭleo adds, “Shit, girl. They turn around, giving me one quick look up and down. Satisfied, I step out of the bathroom, ready to be praised by my friends. I smooth my hands over the black fitted dress I’m wearing, reaching up to fix the shoulders so that you can see the definition of my clavicle, adjust my boots so they reach an even height on my calves, and align the pendant of my necklace to lay symmetrically against my chest. I tilt my head to the side a bit, displaying the glow on my cheekbones. “Don’t you fucking rush me!” I give myself a good look in the mirror, turning to examine my ass and flirt with myself. So I hoped you enjoyed, I would really appreciate it if I got some rates, comments and even fans.“Y/N! The car is here in 4 minutes!” yells Gemma. If only he even knew who I was, my name even, if he even knew I existed. He barely even spoke to many girls, even before him and Selena were dating, that's how I could tell William was different. But William was different, normally the popular kid is always flirting with the pretty girls or has a girlfriend, but for the past three years he's had one girlfriend, and they were together for not even two months. The most popular boy in my grade, the boy who knew everyone in other grades, and the guy that most girls are in love with, William Singe.

william singe hair

You know the girl you see, too shy to start a conversation with anyone she didn't know, the one who has a crush on a guy who she knew wouldn't ever feel the same way. I wasn't overly popular but I wasn't a loner either, I guess I was just your average 10th grade. I love to sing, write my own songs, listen to the best music out and hang out with my friends. I guess that I wanted at younger brother or sister but it wasn't my decision and there was nothing that I could do to make them change their minds about it.

william singe hair

On the bad side it wasn't so great as I got bored alot and there's noone around that I can talk to unless my friends are around. I thought that it was a good thing because I was more spoilt than other children and the fact that I was allowed to have friends over most of the time.

william singe hair

Im an only child and sometimes I thought that it was a good thing but at times it wasnt. I have curves, but they weren't excessive nor were they miniature. I have tanned skin, hazel eyes and brownish blonde hair that was a little longer than my shoulder blades. I'm half Maori, from my dad's half of the family and mums side was Australian. Haiiii, I'm Shona, and in 16 years old, so year 10. William Singe Fan Fiction - Its a first for me so I hope you like it.

William singe hair